Give your friends and family the opportunity to celebrate your birthday by contributing to a cause you care about.

Using Facebook to dedicate your birthday and raise money for Whip Pediatric Cancer couldn’t be easier. Make your birthday even more meaningful by fundraising with set goals.
1. Select the Cause You Care About
2. How Much Do You Want to Raise?
3. Let your friends and family know why you chose Whip Pediatric Cancer
4. Pick a Cover Photo
Congratulations your fundraiser has been published! Invite your friends.
Match Donations
Match Amount
For more information please watch the video below or visit Facebook Social Impact.
Birthday FundraiserWe’ve seen people using Facebook to dedicate their birthday and raise money for the causes they care about. For those in the US, we’ve made it easier to do this by giving people and public figure Pages the opportunity to create a fundraiser for their birthday directly on Facebook.
Posted by Nonprofits on Facebook on Wednesday, April 10, 2019