Mason loves sports (especially baseball), Fortnite, and a good slice of pizza, but his love for his family is what inspires us most. Mason bravely fought Stage 4 Neuroblastoma and beat it. Admits the COVID 19 pandemic, Mason had routine scans where he relapsed. It was urgent to get him to New York City for treatment. We were able to assist Mason and his dad and help them get to NYC and not worry about bills for the next few months. We raised money via Facebook and also held a T-shirt fundraiser where T-shirts read “Mason’s Miracle.”
Amount Raised!
$ 0
Update - June 2022
My best buddy Mason lost his fight to stage 4 neuroblastoma. Though in my eyes he won, no more pain, no more suffering. If you know me, you most likely know mason as he was one of my closest friends. We instantly bonded and had the most genuine and pure friendship there ever was. I was honored to be asked to read a eulogy at his funeral in Kansas and there was not a dry eye in the room. $10,925 was raised for his funeral expenses.